aidtempe will be volunteering at the concession stalls for the ASU vs. USC home game on Saturday, 1st October. Volunteers are welcome to sign-up by sending an email to:
All details will be posted before game-day - watch this space for more!
-- k
Next Meeting
aidtempe will hold its next meeting at the ASU Memorial Union. The details are:
Day: Saturday, 24th Sept
Place: MU 206
Chrysocolla Room
ASU Memorial Union
Time: 3:30 PM onwards
Directions: If you go up the staircase at the back of the MU next to the welcome desk, you will reach the second level. Continue straight down that passage, and after passing quite a few rooms, the Chrysocolla room will appear to your left, room number 206. You can also ask one of the many people around if you think you are lost.
All are welcome!
Next Weekly Meeting
aidtempe will have its next weekly community service hour tomorrow. The details are as follows:
Date: Sun, 18th Sept 2005
Place: MU 208C, Hopi Room
ASU Memorial Union
Time: 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM
-- K
Freshers' Party ... and the Game
So the chapter splits into 2 today, one half to volunteer for a stand at the Football Game and the other half to show a presentation at the Freshers' Party for the incoming Indian Students.
The football stalls are ways to make money - we just volunteer at one of the numerous refreshment stands, and all we do all day long is either count stuff or count money (with only the really talented people doing the grilling - not a job for all, that).
Last Saturday's game against LSU was a HUGE turnout, and the whole country (or so we'd like to believe) was tuned in as LSU beat ASU 35 - 31 at the last minute. Hurricane relief game and all that .... This Saturday's game is against Northwestern and we're hoping to repeat the performance of the last game (a.k.a, profits wise, NOT scoreline wise)
The other big event of the day of course is the freshers' party for the incoming Indian Students being hosted by the Indian Students' Association (ISA). Hopefully this one will be as good as last time's freshers' party. We're probably going to play a presentation about AID and its goals etc. Still looking for volunteers for that one ....
That's it for today from aidtempe.
-- K
Post Numero Uno
This blog is intended to be a general blog of sorts for Association for India's Development's Tempe chapter. I intend to house the latest developments and news relating to the chapter's activities on this page, as also regular updates on any projects and other activities we plan.
This would be a good place to start for information about the chapter, as also the webpage.
AID Tempe.